Natural Menopause Treatments

Treating Menopause Naturally

Menopause comes with a whole host of symptoms.  Certain women experience a lot more symptoms while others suffer less.  No matter how severe, these symptoms are usually uncomfortable and can interfere with your ability to live a normal, healthy life.

Some of the most common symptoms are:Natural Menopause Treatments

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Losing interest in sex and lots more

There are a number of ways to fight these menopause symptoms naturally and safely.  It takes only a few lifestyle changes to reduce those feelings of discomfort.

Diet – Adjust your diet to include healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables and soy products. Cut down on the daily amount of sugar you eat. You will not only feel better generally, but this minor adjustment can also help reduce menopause symptoms. Keep your body healthy to lower the severity of the symptoms you feel. Some specific elements to add to your diet include:

  • Tofu – The soy and phytoestrogen contained in tofu decrease the night sweats and hot flashes that so many women experience. If you’re not fond of tofu, there are ways to include them in your recipes so that you don’t even notice it’s there.
  • Ground Flax Seed – Grind up flax seed and add it to soups, salads, and almost anything that you eat. Mix it into your favorite dish and you can hardly taste the flax seed, but you should notice results to your menopausal symptoms as soon as you start taking it.
  • Black Cohosh Tincture – This herbal supplement can help relieve those annoying hot flashes and night sweats.  Take it two to four times a day for best results.
  • Sage Tincture – This is another herb that can also help alleviate hot flashes and night sweats. TakeNatural Menopause Treatments about 10 to 15 drops each day for full benefits. You can add it to tea or other drinks to make it taste a bit better.
  • Vitamin E – Take a Vitamin E supplement each day to help decrease menopause symptoms such as mood swings and hot flashes that so many women experience during menopause.
  • Exercise – In addition to altering your diet, regular exercise can help energize you throughout your day, and can help lower your chances of insomnia, helping you sleep better at night.

These are all safe and natural suggestions you can try yourself. But if none of these natural treatments work for you, check with your physician about other medical options such as prescription medications.

Perimenopause Treatment

Treatments for Perimenopause


Perimenopause, also called menopausal transition, is the stage in a woman’s life where her body makes changes from regular ovulation and menstruation cycles to permanent infertility. Perimenopause can occur at many different ages, but perimenopause most commonly occurs when women reach their 40s.  Menstrual periods no longer follow a regular cycle; they may become irregular, they can get shorter or longer, or become heavier or lighter, while the interval between periods typically grows longer.  Most women start to experience vaginal dryness, hot flashes, a lower sex drive, or insomnia. Once a woman has gone an entire twelve month period with no menstrual cycle, she has reached full menopause.

Treatment Options

There are treatment options available for perimenopause, which should help relieve many of the symptoms you may be experiencing. If you need help regulating your menses, or are experiencing perimenopausal symptoms such as hot flashes or vaginal dryness, your doctor may prescribe oral contraception to help you get through perimenopause.  If you do not want or cannot use birth control pills, consider progestin therapy instead, which can help regulate your periods. Progestin can help relieve problems such as extremely heavy bleeding.

Endometrial ablation is another option for women suffering through perimenopause. This is a procedure where a surgeon destroys the uterine lining with a laser; the result is to decrease or permanently cease your menstrual cycle. Endometrial ablation can offer relief to certain women who endure heavy periods. This is a surgical procedure, however, and you should discuss the risks of this procedure thoroughly with your doctor before considering it.

Help Yourself

Perimenopause TreatmentThere are things you can do on your own that alleviate some of perimenopause’s symptoms. Eat a healthier diet than you may have before. A diet high in calcium and fiber can help regulate your body and strengthen your bones. As women get older they should start taking vitamin supplements to ensure they are getting the nutrients that their body may not be getting through diet alone.

Finally, reduce your intake of alcohol and caffeine; if you are a smoker, now is a good time to stop. Exercising regularly and staying in shape can keep you from gaining excess weight. It also can help you sleep better, as well as preserve your bones and improve your mood. Exercise for at least a half hour each day to keep your body in top condition and to avoid muscle strains and aching joints.

Lowering your stress can also decrease the symptoms of perimenopause.  There are numerous ways to reduce the physical and emotional stress that can come with perimenopause: yoga, meditation, and deep breathing are all excellent practices to incorporate into your daily routine.

Definitive Guide to Stopping Hot Flashes

Stop Hot Flashes Once and For All

Hot flashes are one of the most common and troublesome symptoms of menopause, with many sufferers desperate to find a quick and effective solution. Hot flashes can be particularly troublesome if the sudden body heat interferes with your daily activities or sleep.

What Causes Hot Flashes?Preventing Hot Flashes

No one knows for sure exactly what causes a hot flash. Some scientists believe that changes in estrogen, the female hormone, during menopause cause the brain’s thermostat to stop functioning properly, stimulating sudden waves of heat. While there are other medical issues that may also be triggered by a loss of estrogen, these issues do not necessarily cause hot flashes.

What Does a Hot Flash Feel Like?

One of the most common sensations women describe is a warmth in the face and the body’s upper regions. Women also report redness in the face, excessive sweating and even chills after a hot flash episode. Another complaint may be an irregular heartbeat. Many women see their doctor if the sweating and heat interfere with their ability to sleep. If the problem continues, the woman could encounter memory problems as well as severe mood swings. These may all be added complications of untreated hot flashes.

Lifestyle Changes to Stop Hot Flashes

Research indicates that one of the most effective ways to address the symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, is to make lifestyle modifications and to use natural ingredients for optimal effect. When these two options are adopted together, the positive results are significantly life changing.

The kind of lifestyle changes we recommend include:

Smoking is one factor that can increase the chances of menopausal hot flashes. You can reduce hot flashes and avoid serious health problems simply by quitting smoking.Preventing Hot Flashes

Furthermore, overweight women are more likely to experience menopause symptoms than women of healthy weight. Women of African descent have a greater chance of getting hot flashes compared to white, Chinese, or Japanese women.

Taking care of your body and becoming smoke-free lowers your chances of suffering frequent temperature fluctuations, heart problems, stroke, or cancer. Eat a healthy diet, and avoid triggers that can cause hot flashes such as alcohol, caffeinated beverages, and spicy foods. These foods can cause heat and sweating, so it may be a good time to cut down on them.

Finally, dress in layers so that when the internal temperature fluctuations begin you can take off the layers as needed to keep yourself cool. Explore some of the different relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga to ease stress and help with sleeplessness as well.

All of the above are a great start, but for long term benefits and more effective treatment, you should explore the possibility of a natural nutritional supplement which would target both the root causes as well as address the symptoms.

Medical Interventions

Despite the unclear results and negative effects of hormone replacement therapy, it still continues to be one of the most common prescription treatments for menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes. Some doctors recommend antidepressants also like fluoxetine, venlafaxine, or paroxetine, for certain patients. Other drugs your doctor may  prescribe include gabpentin or clonidine. However, approach medical treatments with caution, since many of them may cause unwanted side effects and other negative reactions, including long term damage.

The need for a natural solution has never been so important for you.


There are many natural ingredients that can help you. Choosing an effective supplement should focus on the quality of ingredients included in the formula which should preferably be backed by scientific studies and a manufacturer that provides transparent and concise information to help you better understand what their product can do for both the short term and long benefit. After all, if you can do it naturally, without side effects, why not? Read our Top 5 to discover which natural supplements will help eliminate your menopause suffering and get rid of your hot flashes.

What Does Menopause Feel Like?

What Menopause Feels Like

Menopause is an inevitable time in a woman’s life. It occurs after the reproductive cycle is over, caused when the ovaries stop producing female hormones. When the ovaries cease their hormonal function, the whole body experiences a vast array of changes. These can vary in intensity; however, almost every woman will experience at least one of the many menopause symptoms as she embarks on this new chapter in her life.

Be aware that all these changes as you go through menopause are a result of the reduced levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are necessary for ovulation, and a balanced level of them, in adequate amounts, keep many of the body’s functions and processes under control.

Early Stages of Menopause

What Does Menopause Feel Like?The early stage of menopause is known as perimenopause. During this stage, the levels of estrogen and progesterone gradually decrease and the symptoms of menopause begin to appear. However, they are not as intense as they are when the ovaries stop producing hormones entirely. There may be occasional monthly bleeding during perimenopause. This monthly pattern of bleeding varies from woman to woman. You may experience a total lack of menses for a number of months, which is then followed by a heavy menstrual cycle. In other instances, you may notice blood clots, which can be terrifying (but normal). Other women may experience sporadic, light bleeding. All these are characteristics of this period of transition.

Unlike perimenopause, when you hit complete menopause, the menses stop permanently. Furthermore, the loss of the female hormones of estrogen and progesterone prevents a woman from conceiving or sustaining pregnancy, even if an egg released accidentally had been fertilized. Intercourse itself can become painful and unpleasant due to vaginal dryness, another one of menopause’s many symptoms, also linked to lower estrogen levels. Because of this, many women lose interest in sex and grow reluctant to engage in it because sex can be more painful than it is pleasurable.

Menopause Symptoms

Many other symptoms of menopause can be quite unpleasant. Hot flashes and night sweats are additional issues a menopausal woman will face. These again are a result of hormonal imbalance. Some women have no problems with hot flashes while others experience hot flashes severe enough to require medical treatment. Hormonal changes in our bodies subsequently can trigger emotional What Does Menopause Feel Like?symptoms, including: sudden attacks of anxiety or anger, recurring emotional outbursts, and mood swings. None of these may have existed before the onset of menopause.

Finally, as a woman enters menopause, she enters a time of life when she is more susceptible to osteoporosis. While not every menopausal woman suffers from a softening of the bones, most women do need calcium supplements or medication to improve their bone strength and to prevent fractures.

Fortunately, our medical technology has found a number of solutions to menopausal symptoms, some completely natural, others more pharmaceutical. Both approaches help lessen or eradicate altogether the most unbearable symptoms of menopause.

What Is Perimenopause?

The Transition into Menopause

The Transition into MenopausePerimenopause is sometimes called menopause transition. It is the stage in a woman’s reproductive life that starts years before the complete onset of menopause, when the ovaries gradually produce less estrogen.  Perimenopause normally begins in the 40s, but there are women who begin this phase as early as their 30s.

Perimenopause lasts until the ovaries have fully stopped releasing eggs — which is when actual menopause starts.  In the final few years of the perimenopausal stage, the drop in estrogen increases. This is what causes the symptoms of menopause. Ordinarily perimenopause lasts around four years, but some women may only experience it for months, while for others it may last as long as ten years.

Every woman is unique.  After you have gone for twelve months without a menstrual cycle then perimenopause is complete, and you have reached full menopause.

Symptoms of Perimenopause

Common symptoms of perimenopause include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Irregular periodsThe Transition into Menopause
  • Tenderness of the breasts
  • Lower sex drive
  • Mood swings
  • Fatigue
  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Having to urinate more frequently
  • Leaking urine when sneezing or coughing

While it is normal to have irregular periods during perimenopause, there can be a number of other medical issues that can also cause irregular periods. See your doctor if your periods become heavier or last longer than usual, if you are spotting between periods, if you are spotting after sex, or if your periods are happening more frequently. Make sure that there are no other underlying medical conditions that could be causing these symptoms.

Be cautious about sex during this phase, because it’s still possible to get pregnant even while undergoing perimenopause. Continue using protection until you have hit full menopause (not having a menstrual cycle for one full year).

Ask your physician about all the options available to you to treat your perimenopause symptoms. These options include pharmaceutical medications as well as natural treatments. These all can help keep symptoms at bay or, at the very least, reduce their severity and frequency.

For instance, your doctor may prescribe low dose oral contraceptives to regulate your periods and help reduce the hot flashes and night sweats . But you should also ask your doctor about other, more natural ways to lessen the symptoms of perimenopause. You can try many simple tactics like exercising more, eating a healthier diet, and taking vitamin supplements. Before you begin any treatment, however, check with your doctor to make sure you are choosing the right treatment option for you.

Remifemin Menopause Treatment Review

Remifemin claims to provide up to 70% relief from hot flashes, nights sweats and mood swings, irritability and sleeplessness.

Remifemin Good Night is also available as menopause symptoms can give you sleepless nights.  It’s important that you find a product that will not only help you lessen menopausal symptoms during the day but also during the night to make you feel refreshed in the morning.

Remifemin Good night is recommended by OB/GYNs as it provides a formulated combination of essential ingredients for a better night’s sleep.

Remifemin Menopause Treatment Ingredients

Remifemin claims to be made from all natural ingredients:

  • Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) root extract – an herbal plant used as a sedative and an anxiolytic or an anti-anxiety agent. It has been used since the times of Ancient Greece and Rome as a remedy for insomnia.
  • Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis) leaf extract – an herbal plant from the mint family which has a lot of uses: cure for upset stomach, bloating, flatulence, vomiting and colic, menstrual cramps, headache and toothache. It has also been believed to have a calming effect, thus taken by people with anxiety, sleep problems like insomnia and restlessness. The plant has also been used for more serious illnesses such as ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Alzheimer’s disease and other autoimmune diseases.
  • Hops (Humulis Lupulus) – a climbing herbal plant which grows early in spring and dies out in early autumn. In mild amount, it helps treat insomnia, menopausal symptoms and sleeplessness and Rheumatic diseases.
  • Black Cohosh – an herbal plant whose roots are used for medicinal purposes. It was widely used in Europe in the 1950s and has since been used to help women’s health issues such as menopausal, premenstrual syndrome, acne, and osteoporosis and for starting labor in pregnant women. It does not contain estrogen so it is safe for women who are forbidden to take medications with strong estrogen content, such as breast cancer.

Other Ingredients in the product include:

  • Lactose (milk)
  • Cellulose
  • Potato starch
  • Magnesium stearate
  • Natural Peppermint Flavor

How Is It Taken

Remefimin is suggested to be taken once in the morning and once in the evening. A bottle has 60 tablets and is good for a full month’s supply.

One concern of taking Remifemin is whether it is safe to take more than the recommended dosage. Studies on the product show that taking 3 tablets twice a day is still considered to be safe when symptoms start to come back, however, it is still strongly recommended that the patient should consult their doctor first before doing so.


Remifemin regular tablets are available for $19.95 and have 60 tablets for a month’s supply and the Remifemin Good Night capsules which have 21 tablets are also available for the same price. The products are also available in local stores and online. They do not state whether they have a money back guarantee or any special offers, which may make a lot of customers hesitant in purchasing their product.

Our Conclusion

While Remefimin can be considered cheaper compared to other medicines for menopause, there are only few ingredients that work together in fighting menopausal symptoms and when you look at their label, their only active ingredient is Black Cohosh.  Their lack of a money back guarantee is also a big thing to consider. A company that does not offer a money back guarantee is one that is not confident in its product.

Click here to learn about our Top Menopause Treatment Products.

Estroven Menopause Supplement Review

Estroven is one of the many menopausal supplements that provide nutritional support for women during their menopause years. Estroven helps women to manage the physical and emotional changes that occur during menopause. This manufacturer states that this is a safe and effective product, and has been in circulation since 2001.

Estroven provides a range of product options, depending on your specific symptoms, consumers are able to select the most appropriate for their individual needs. This on the surface sounds like a positive benefit, however, upon further exploration, there are over 8 different product options. This can be overwhelming and unrealistic for women who are suffering multiple menopause symptoms. Taking 8 different supplements isn’t really cost effective of realistic. However, we felt that the company had a good reputation so, we dug a little deeper.

Each provides support for coping with different elements of menopause suffering including hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, irritability, manage weight and mood swings.


Estroven is formulated using a variety of all-natural ingredients including:

  • Black cohosh – has been used to help control the symptoms of menopause such as headaches, hot flashes, mood changes, sleep problems, heart palpitations, night sweats and more.
  • Soy isoflavones – isoflavones help deal with hot flashes.
  • Melatonin – helps control circadian rhythms (sleep and wake cycles).
  • Ginko Biloba – helps improve circulation, mood and mental performance.
  • L-theanine – an amino acid, derived from green tea, can help improve anxiety, enhance cognitive development and regulate treat high blood pressure.
  • B Vitamins – helps manage symptoms such as fatigue and memory issues.

Dosage is dependent on the individual product. Clear details are provided on the labels of the supplement bottle.

Where Can You Buy It?

Estroven can be purchased both in local stores and online. One box costs $21.99 which is a pretty much on par with other similar concerns. A box is good for 2 months since it contains 60 caplets and generally, consumers should take one a day. However, we were unable to find any confident money back guarantee, which is always a shame.

Should You Buy Estroven Menopause Supplement?

Estroven is made of all natural ingredients to help women deal with symptoms of menopause. It would appear that this manufacturer understands the many difficult to manage symptoms that menopause can bring. However, their range of different treatment options is at best, very confusing, leaving many potential customers wondering which one is the best option for their individual needs. With no guarantee and limited reviews, we were unable to ascertain whether users had found their products beneficial. We felt that if they simplified their foormula and limited their product options range, consumers would find it easier to make a purchase.

Click here to learn about our Top Menopause Treatment Products.

GNC Preventive Nutrition Menopause Support Review

GNC Preventive Nutrition Menopause Support provides overall health support to menopausal women and takes care of major hormonal or age-related healthy concerns like hot flashes, night sweats, osteoporosis, reduced sexual arousal, forgetfulness, mood swings and irritability.

The ingredients in this supplement can be grouped into distinct categories based on the benefits they provide:


Hormonal support – Sophora japonica fruit extract, black cohosh, and hops provide relief from menopause symptoms as they contain plant estrogen, which allows the body to adjust to lower natural estrogen levels better. The formula also contains GLA, which a precursor of prostaglandins, and helps regulate hormone levels in the body as well as ensure proper functioning of the circulatory, nervous and immune system.

Bone and circulatory support – Vitamin D helps in proper absorption of calcium. MBP or milk based protein allows maintenance of healthy bone mass and Gingko biloba prevents erosion of bone and reduction of bone density. It also keeps the heart healthy.

Energy and metabolism management – Minerals like chromium, iodine, magnesium, zinc and copper are required for proper functioning of the body. Essential vitamins and minerals are required for metabolism and for repair and production of body cells.

GNC Preventive Nutrition Menopause Support Ingredients

  • Omniflavone Sophora japonica fruit extract
  • Black Cohosh root powder (Cimicifuga racemosa)
  • GLA (Gamma Linoleric Acid)
  • Hops Flower Extract (Humulus lupulus)
  • Gingko biloba leaf extract
  • Milk based protein
  • Magnesium
  • Chromium
  • Vitamin B12
  • Iodine
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Vitamin D
  • Thiamin (Vitamin B1)
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine hydrochloride)
  • Other ingredients: Dicalcium Phosphate, Cellulose, Safflower Oil, Titanium Dioxide (Natural Mineral Whitener), Natural Vanilla Flavor, Vegetable Acetoglycerides, Carmine (As Color), Sucralose

Recommended Dosage

Daily dosage for this product is 2 caplets a day, one in the morning and one in the evening.

Possible Side Effects

This supplement contains milk protein and may cause allergic reaction in lactose intolerant people.


A month long supply of this product costs $49.99. Members of the website are offered a discounted price of $44.99 for pack.


The company has a 30-day return policy for all its products and offers full refund if you are unsatisfied with the quality or effectiveness of the supplement.

GNC Preventive Nutrition Menopause Support Overall Value

While this is a good, wholesome product made of natural ingredients. It contains many active ingredients and provides multiple benefits, it does not have separate day and night variants to cater to the body’s different needs during the night and day.

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Pure Solutions Menopause Solutions Review

Pure Solutions Menopause Solutions addresses the system imbalance that occurs during menopause and helps restore balance and comfort. It keeps both the body and mind healthy and also has anti-ageing properties.




Supplement Facts

  • Specialty Bound Protein Amino Acids (Proprietary Velvet Antler extract): Reduces hot flashes, night sweats, pain associated with menopause and also increases sexual libido. It has been found to be good for the nervous and cardiac system as well.
  • Vitamin B12: Decreases mood swings and anxiety.
  • Calcium citrate: Essential for bone health.
  • Licorice root: Contains antioxidants, which delay ageing and prevent cell damage. Licorice root also keeps the pancreas healthy.
  • Black cohosh: Rich in phytoestrogens, which reduce the symptoms of menopause that are basically due to the lack of estrogen.
  • Wild yam: Contains estrogen precursors, which in the lab setting have been converted to estrogen. Supposed to reduce occurrence of hot flashes and night sweats, but there is no proof of its effectiveness.
  • Valerian root: Antianxiety and sedative properties that help curb menopause related sleeplessness.
  • Chaste tree berry: Mimics estrogen and progesterone and inhibits prolactin formation. This reduces menopausal and even menstrual symptoms like irritability, insomnia, depression and painful menstrual flow.
  • Dong Quai: Helps restore hormonal balance and reduce the symptoms of menopause.
  • Other ingredients: Sorbitol, cocoa, xylitol, magnesium stearate, chocolate flavor, stevia

Recommended Dosage

2 tablets of this supplement should be taken twice a day. It should ideally be taken on an empty stomach and should be chewed for 90 seconds before swallowing. For severe night sweats, the night dosage can be increased.


The standard retail price for a 120-tablet bottle is $49.95, but it is available on third party websites like iHerb for a discounted price of $37.46.

Pure Solutions Menopause Solutions Guarantee

There is no guarantee available on this product and most websites seem to have discontinued its sale.

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Martha Stewart Menopause Support Review

Martha Stewart Menopause Support is a 100% vegetarian supplement that helps maintain hormonal balance and allows the body adjust to lower estrogen levels.

Fruit and vegetable extract provide the body with essential minerals and vitamins, which are required for proper metabolism and nourishment.

Martha Stewart Menopause Support Ingredients

  • Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopheryl succinate): Reduces occurrence of hot flashes.
  • Chaste berry extract: Stimulates production of progesterone and inhibits production of prolactin, thereby restoring some hormonal balance in the body. This results in relief from menopausal problems like hot flashes and night sweats.
  • Red raspberry leaf extract: Helps regulate painful and erratic menstruation in women nearing menopause.
  • Red clover extract (aerial parts): This has been used to reinstate hormonal balance. Red clover is also used to enhance fertility and sexual function.
  • Black cohosh root extract: Rich in isoflavones that mimic the properties of natural estrogen and prevent the body from displaying menopause symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal atrophy, loss of bone density, mood swings, etc.
  • Soy isoflavones: Contains isoflavones or phytoestrogen, which reduces menopausal symptoms. It provides relief from hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, moodiness and irritability.
  • VitaBerry Fruit extract: Grape, wild blueberry, raspberry, cranberry, prune, tart cherry, wild bilberry, strawberry
  • VitaVeggie Vegetable extract: Broccoli sprout, onion extract, tomato, broccoli, carrot, spinach, kale, Brussels sprout

Recommended Dosage

The recommended dosage for this supplement is 2 capsules daily.

Possible Side Effects

This supplement contains soy and is not suitable for individuals who are allergic to soy.


Price per bottle containing 60 capsules is $16.99. The website also offers a one-time $5 discount.


This supplement bears the NSF mark and is certified by the Public Health and Safety Organization. However, the company does not seem to offer any guarantee or have any money back returns policy in place.

Is Martha Stewart Menopause Support Worth Buying?

This is a completely natural, vegetarian supplement, fortified with fruit and vegetable extracts. It contains some ingredients commonly used in menopause supplements. This cheaper price can be attributed to the fewer active ingredients it contains and to the fact that this product.

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